'Tis the season for pumpkin everything. From the lattes we drink to the decor on our porches, pumpkins take over society during this time of year.
That's because one of the best things about pumpkins is how they're so versatile. For instance, there are countless ways to repurpose pumpkin guts into a body scrub or even a delicious meal.
And it turns out, pumpkins are more than just aesthetically pleasing and a yummy ingredient for soup. They are also good for your four legged friends.
Of course, there are foods like chocolate that we know not to feed to dogs. But there are also things like the occasional french fry that I know I shouldn't give them, but do anyway. The puppy dog eyes always get the best of me!
Luckily, pumpkin doesn't fit into either category because it can actually be really helpful for your pets. Learn all about why below.
Thumbnail Photo: YouTube / Brian Cluer
1. Pumpkin Seeds Are A Great Source Of Protein

Our domestic dogs' dietary needs may be slightly different than their wolf ancestors, but they still need a whole lot of protein.
Pumpkin seeds are a great source for this. In fact, 1 cup of dried pumpkin seeds have 39 grams of protein according to the USDA.
2. Pumpkin Seeds Are A Natural Dewormer

If your dog is anything like mine, then he hates being dewormed. Fortunately, pumpkin seeds are a natural dewormer.
According to Superfood Profiles, pumpkin seeds contain an acid called cucurbitacin that can actually paralyze parasites in the stomach. Amino acids also help to kill them.
3. Pumpkin Flesh Helps Slow Diarrhea

Dealing with anyone else's diarrhea is never fun, even if it's your dogs.
You can slow your dog's runs by feeding him some pumpkin. According to Morris Animal Inn pumpkin flesh contains soluble fiber that helps absorb some of the liquid causing the problem.
4. Pumpkin Is A Great Way To Bulk Up Food

If you're ever running low on pet food or want to make your supply last longer, try supplementing meal time with some pumpkin.
Not only is pumpkin physically substantial, it also contains a lot of fiber that helps keep animals feeling full.
5. Pumpkin Is A Great Source Of Vitamin A

You probably know that carrots are good for your vision health, but pumpkin is another orange vegetable that helps you see better.
High levels of vitamin A are responsible for this, and it works on cats and dogs too!
6. It's Also A Great Source Of Vitamin C

There is a reason why you try to stock up on vitamin C when you get sick. It boosts your immune system.
Since pumpkin is high in vitamin C, feeding it to your pet will also make him more resistant to health problems.
7. Pumpkin Contains Lots Of Beta-Carotene

Pumpkin contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A that helps to slow the aging process according to Medical News Today.
While you or your dog probably doesn't care about his fine lines, feeding him pumpkin can help keep him around for longer.
8. Pumpkin Is High In Zinc

Pumpkin might also be the secret to keeping your pet's skin and coat in tip top shape.
Thanks to high levels of zinc, pumpkin is a known ingredient to improve skin and coat health.
Be sure to SHARE this story with someone who loves pumpkin!