Have you ever heard of Rexie Roo? Rexie Roo is a black and white cat who may look slightly different from other cats. But there's something very different about him. Due to an accident, Rexie Roo is missing his two front legs.
Rexie Roo was in bad condition when he was found and brought to a shelter in Utah in January 2020. At the time, he had broken both of his legs, and they couldn't be saved. So Rexie Roo had to adjust to life without them.
But here's the incredible story. He was able to adapt flawlessly. He was in two foster homes before being adopted into his forever home (or in this case, purr-ever home). He never acted as if he was inconvenienced by his amputation.
Rexie Roo was adopted by Cairistiona Flatley, who watched Rexie Roo's videos prior to realizing she needed him in her life. It seems as if his Instagram account might have been started by his foster parents, but Cairistiona took it over flawlessly. Which is great news for everyone who wants to see him thrive.
"Rextopher Roofus here, but you can call me Rexie Roo for short," the very first caption said. "I'm a special needs kitty looking for my furever home Follow me on my journey to find my purrfect family!" Cairistiona knew that could very well be her.
Rexie Roo's backstory was also told on Instagram. Unfortunately, they're not sure about the type of accident he got into, but his handlers had some good guesses. "Back in late January, I was rescued by an animal welfare organization called Best Friends Animal Society," his Instagram page reads. "They think I was hit by a car, I honestly don't really remember what happened. All I know is that I was in a lot of pain, and they decided it was best to amputate my front legs. I'm so glad they decided my life was worth saving!"
"When people tell me I'm so kind for adopting a special needs cat and that he is lucky to have me, I can only think about how lucky I am to have him in my life," Cairistiona told People. "I love him so much, and he has brought me a lot of peace and joy in a chaotic and uncertain year. He loves to snuggle and eat, and so do I, so we're a good match."
She was also shocked by how much love Rexie Roo got when she started posting photos. Everyone seemed so intrigued by his journey — and the fact that he adapted to change so well. "I think he can teach people a lot about patience, resilience and love," she said.
Cairistiona also thinks that Rex, as she affectionately shortens his name to on occasion, is a wonderful example for showing that animals with amputations aren't necessarily broken or not worth adopting. In fact, their differences make them even stronger and far more unique.
"He has not let his differences stop him from being the best boy," his proud owner continued. "He has also made me an advocate for animals with special needs. All animals are deserving of love regardless of appearance or needs. I hope his story inspires others to adopt animals that may look or move a little differently. I wouldn't change a thing about him."
She went so far as to say that little Rex made her life better. It's incredible to think about the power that pets have over us. While so many may have looked at Rexie Roo and felt like he was a lost cause, his second chance and second opportunity is bringing nothing but joy.
"My life is better because he is in it," she said. "I tell everyone he is the light of my life. It's incredible how your heart is capable of expanding even more than you thought was possible." By sharing his photos, she's helping further promote special needs pets.
No pet should have to live their final days in a shelter. And older pets also have a big disadvantage at times. All it takes is the right person to adopt them and see their incredible potential for everything to change.
One of Rexie Roo's first fosters was Danielle, who works at Best Friends Animal Society as a foster coordinator in Salt Lake City, Utah. At first, Rexie seemed a little nervous about walking around. "He'd never walked more than a foot or two before," she said. But that changed overnight. When Danielle woke up one morning, she realized he was snuggling right beside her.
So how does Rexie Roo walk? "He doesn't walk like a T-Rex, but he does lift his torso off the ground," Danielle said. "Luckily, he is very food motivated. We were able to get him to start walking by luring him with treats, putting his food bowl a little bit out of reach and giving him a treat-dispensing ball that he pushed around with his nose."
Rexie was ready for a permanent home after quickly figuring out how to use a litter box. With time, he became brave and courageous and felt comfortable with his capabilities, even after losing his two front paws. It just goes to show how animals are quick to adapt. His personality only got stronger.
It seems as if Rexie Roo has found his perfect home. And his human found the perfect cat. "Everyone has their own issues," Cairistiona told Best Friends. "To me, he's extra special. People are drawn to him because he is so resilient. He has been through so much, and yet he remains the sweetest animal I’ve ever met." Let Rexie inspire you to give a second chance to an animal in need.