Woman Uses Non-Toxic Face Paint To Create Epic SkeletonDog Costume!

Have you ever seen a skeleton dog? Well, now's your chance!

Using special organic, non-toxic, vegetable-based face paint, Washington resident, artist, and pet parent, Bryn Anderson, turned her beautiful German Shepherd dog into a bonafide bag o' bones just in time for Halloween!

She first posted the photos to Reddit, assuring everyone that her methods were safe and washable, and her pictures became an instant hit.

In case you're wondering, the lovely Nixie has her very own Facebook page, so you can go and show her some love!

Please SHARE this incredible "skeleton dog" with all of your friends this Halloween!

1. Nixie the GSD transformed into a skeleton!

Bryn Anderson

2. When does a skeleton laugh?

Bryn Anderson

When someone tickles his funny bone!

3. What did the skeleton say when another skeleton told a lie?

Bryn Anderson

You can't fool me, I can see right through you!

4. Who was the most famous skeleton detective?

Bryn Anderson

Sherlock Bones!

5. Bryan has also transformed Nixie into a fox!

Bryn Anderson

6. Now that is one "foxy" GSD!

Skeeter Bug Photography

7. "Let's see what else I can be!"

Bryn Anderson

8. Nixie after her face paint has been safely washed away.

Bryn Anderson

9. Bryan and Nixie share a snuggle.

Bryn Anderson

10. Other pet parents have jumped in on the skeleton craze...

Jenna Foo

11. ...giving their beloved animals truly spooky costumes!

Knot Just Rope

12. Now that's one majestic skeleton!

Knot Just Rope

Please SHARE Nixie's awesome costumes with everyone you know this Halloween!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.