There are millions of cute dog videos out there, but this tiny pug is so cute, I can't stand it!
The dog's owner wanted to show off her adorable new family member and decided to dress him up for his big debut. She tried to put a bow tie on the little guy, but he's just so small, he can barely fit into it. But let's just say, that's what makes this dog that much more adorable!
In the video, the tiny pug puppy, who is only a few weeks old, shows off his dapper look. He looks so charming! He'll eventually grow into this doggie bow tie, but until then, he's killing us with cuteness.
Pug puppies are known to be very tiny, and their comical face, deep wrinkles and a flat round face, can't help but make you smile.
For those who own pugs, they actually make great pets. Pugs are playful dogs who must be close to their humans. Pugs love to be the center of attention, and personality-wise, pugs are affectionate, loyal, playful and mischievous. They can be a handful, but with a cute face like that, you can't help but love them!
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