High school is a big time in everyone's life. When you're still a teenager and in high school, its hard to imagine life after… Everything makes a huge impact on you at the time and you can even feel like the bad days you have will last forever. It is not until you get to your senior year in high school and you slowly approach graduation, that you realize just how much more living you still have to do beyond the school's walls, and how precious each moment as a young adult really is.
Aaron Blandina must have realized this a little early on, because he decided going into his senior year, that he wanted to document his last year in high school, even if just for moments at a time.
Like in the other "photo-a-day" video where a man took a single photo every day as he traveled the world, Aaron wanted something he could look back on for years to come that would provoke memories, both good and bad, from his high-school days.
Instead of taking a single photo though, Aaron decided to capture one second from each day, compiling a video at the end that shows favorite moments, like going on a road trip and graduating high school, to the tougher moments in his year like attending his grandmother's funeral and saying good bye to a best friend before they move.
The wonderful video will be there for years to come as Aaron grows older, but you will realize after watching that even though he only filmed a tiny bit of time each day, that this is an awesome project that would take some serious dedication!
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