Woman Sits Down To Eat At Wendy’s, Then Looks Over And Sees 96-Year-Old Man Feeding His Wife

Most people hope for true love their entire lives. If they find it, they consider themselves extremely lucky. If they don't find it, well, they just continue looking.

When people truly love one another, they are willing to put the other person before themselves in any situation. At marriage ceremonies, most people say some variation of the "in sickness and in health" clause, stating to the world that they will love and care for their spouse no matter what problems may come their way.

True love is something that should be cherished, and when we see people who have devoted themselves to another person for their entire lives, it's something we should praise.

Elderly couples who have spent their whole lives together should know just how special they are — and the 96-year-old man and his 93-year-old wife in the story below are definitely exceptional.

The following story was posted on Love What Matters, where it quickly went viral. Once you read it, you'll understand why — and it will definitely tug at your heartstrings.

[H/T: Love What Matters]

Facebook / Love What Matters

As I was sitting eating my double cheeseburger at Wendy’s, I glanced over at this older couple and thought ‘That’s sweet’ And continued with my meal.

But when I looked again, in between bites, I saw this gentleman feeding his wife. My whole life I've yearned for a love that strong.

Facebook / Love What Matters

The gentleman got up from his seat to throw his food away and I couldn’t resist asking how long he and his wife had been married.

He looked at me and asked me to guess his age but not to guess too low.

Wikimedia / Angelsharum

After a few guesses he told me he was 96 and his wife is 93, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s.

This is their date night. He also told me that if they make it till June, they will be celebrating 75 years of marriage!

Pixabay / coombesy

Getting all the way to the end of the line with the person you started out with is one of the most glorious things on the face of this earth.

Could a couple be more blessed than to have that happen?

To share a deep love and bond that only grows as we age, that is a beautiful thing.

Flickr / Marcel Oosterwijk

Since this story was shared, it has gotten almost 140,000 likes on Facebook, and over 27,000 shares.

People began sharing their own stories in response to this one.

One woman wrote: "My grandpa would feed my grandma long after she had forgotten who he was; however, she wouldn't eat for anyone else. Somewhere in her heart's memory she knew who he was."

Another woman said: "Reminds me of my mother, who I took care of for three years before she passed from Alzheimer's and heart failure two years ago. Even after my parents divorced after being married for 30 years, my father still came over to help me with my mother. He loved her since he was 19 and never stopped."

Public Domain Pictures

Did this story bring a tear to your eye? I'm definitely feeling a little sniffly after reading about this couple's love.

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