Even when it wasn't anywhere near my birthday, I would take a moment during every grocery store trip as a child to flip through the bakery's book of colorful cakes. Many of them featured my favorite cartoon characters and I would daydream about which one I might enjoy at my next shindig.
I was apparently pretty obsessed with the confectionary treat as a tot. My mom loves telling the story of how I begged and pleaded for a special Barbie cake when I was only 2 years old. She even helped my friends re-create the recipe when my sweet 16 rolled around! That's why I loved stumbling upon this super fun idea by Jenn over at Cookies, Cupcakes, and Cardio. It reminds me of the awesome dino cake design that lots of little ones are loving lately, but with a more nautical twist.
Taking inspiration from Finding Dory, Jenn's finished product definitely goes way beyond anything I ever saw at the grocery store. However, it's nowhere near as complicated to put together as it seems! The most difficult part is probably just gathering all the candies and other items necessary, but you can get creative with that if need be.
The best part is how she uses Jell-O to create an awesome fishbowl with toys placed inside. Placing that on top of the vibrant, colorfully frosted cake makes this a sure hit for any child's party!
Take a look to see her step-by-step guide, and be sure to SHARE the awesome idea with your friends!