The Andrews Sisters And The Supremes Sing Each Other’s Biggest Hits

Back in the days when musicians actually had talent, singers didn't need computers to sing well, and artists actually had a sense of pride in their work, everyone always felt themselves lucky to see one of their favorite bands perform live.

Even with record players, it was always hard to get your hands on all your favorite songs, and if you heard a live version of a performance, chances are that you didn't have the technology readily available to record it for later listening. Often, you'd only get the chance to hear it once, but always that performance would remain in the back of your head.

One such legendary performance occurred back in 1966 on none other than Sammy Davis' television special. Sammy Davis, as funny as always, came up with a pretty genius idea for his two biggest guests: the Andrews Sisters and the Supremes.

The Andrews Sisters, well known for their dozens of classic hits during the war, were a prestigious group to have, and when put alongside the up-and-coming Supremes? You better believe you're about to watch one of the most amazing musical performances in television history!

That's because Sammy didn't care to listen to the Andrews Sisters singing their own hits or the Supremes singing theirs. No, he wanted to throw a wrench in their usual way of doing things; he wanted to hear the sisters singing Supremes songs and the Supremes singing the sisters' songs!

The results were absolutely stunning. It's amazing to hear the Supremes showing off their skill at harmony as opposed to their usual "one in the front, two backups" that we're used to seeing.

Watching their amazing singing abilities is heartbreaking in a way, because they really show how intuitive they are when singing with each other, think of how many more harmony-based songs we could have had from them!

The Andrews Sisters do a fantastic job adding their own style to the Supremes songs, and by the very end, we had huge smiles all across our faces along with Sammy!

Please SHARE this amazing moment of television history if you wish singers like this were still around!