Aunts Solve Medical Mystery Plaguing Their Young Niece

Rihanna was a natural-born athlete who was always happiest on the field or playing some kind of sport. Growing up, she was a national gymnastics champion and star softball pitcher. But in sixth grade, Rihanna started suffering from unexplained anxiety, tantrums, and ticks. From pulling out her hair to hiding under desks at school due to separation anxiety, Rihanna's mother was terrified of what was becoming of her beautiful and talented daughter.

By the time she was a freshman in high school, Rihanna was depressed and suicidal. Worst of all, doctors were absolutely baffled by mystery illness plaguing Rihanna's mind. After seeing 15 different doctors, it seemed all hope was lost. But then Rihanna's two aunts stepped in, banded together, and worked to solve this medical mystery once and for all.

Using their own nursing experience and internet research, Rihanna's aunts came upon a blog post written by a mother whose son was suffering from similar symptoms. And just when Rihanna's mother was about to place her in a group home, she received a phone call that changed everything.

Watch the video below to see how this mystery unfolded.

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