Ah, the simple joys of being a dog!
It's hard to deny that life can be pretty sweet for the family pooch, especially when there are some fun kids around the house like this lucky dog and his best buddy. One thing I admire about canines so much is their unique ability to truly enjoy the little things in life. I'm sure you know at least one person who really takes things in life for granted. We have so much to learn from our pets when it comes to simple pleasures and the key to happiness.
Dogs do nothing but love and protect us, and all they want in return is a place to call home and the occasional belly rub. I don't know about you, but seeing a dog enjoy life so much always puts a smile on my face and the following video from Kyoot Animals pretty much sums that happiness up perfectly… because let's face it: there's nothing a dog loves more than sticking his head out the car window.
Just like the adorable beagle puppy in the video below, my dogs are pretty obsessed with getting in the car and going for a drive. There's nothing quite like the rush of your head flying down the highway and this adorable little pup just never wants it to end.
How could his owner say no to that face?! Please SHARE if you love dogs and want to make someone smile today!