Can you imagine what it's like to fly like a bird? To glide through the air with nothing but your own two wings and physics on your side?
We've all had dreams of flying, only to wake up and realize that the glorious feeling was only manifested by the subconscious. Man has been pursuing flight for centuries. Though we've managed to master air travel, it doesn't seem that we'll ever be able to be as free as the birds.
That's why there is so much to learn from our feathered friends, and why these bird quotes are so inspirational.
Do you ever look to the birds for peace of mind? If you haven't, try it some time! Sit quietly in your backyard and listen for their songs. Watch for their fluttering wings and flashes of color, and you'll get the inspiration you need to pursue the day with good intentions and poise.
Please SHARE these lovely quotes with your family and friends on Facebook!
William Blake knew what he was talking about.

Life is one big risk, isn't it?

You've got to believe in yourself!

Learning when to be an observer is always important.

Do you have a song to sing?

Rejoice in the small victories.

Do you love birds? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!