BPA: Surprising Sources And Unexpected Dangers

When it comes to my health, I like to maintain control over any and all decisions. After all, who knows my body better than I do? As a result, I am always on the lookout for anything that could have a positive effect on my health — and anything that could have a negative effect.

For years, I have heard talk about the dangers of something known as BPA. This chemical is found in a surprising number of everyday items. But only recently have I discovered exactly how common BPA is and how potentially dangerous it can be.

WebMD writes, "The Food and Drug Administration does recommend taking 'reasonable steps' to reduce human exposure to BPA in the food supply."

So what exactly is this chemical and what can I do to avoid it?

Scroll through below for an exclusive look at the surprising sources and unexpected dangers of BPA. I had no idea it could be found in everything from credit card receipts to coffee pots to children's toys!

Knowing how BPA could be affecting my body and what items contain this chemical can help me to avoid contact as much as possible.

Did it surprise you to find that these household items contain BPA? Let us know in the comments!

What Is BPA?

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

BPA actually stands for Bisphenol A and is a chemical that is used to make certain plastics and resins.

According to the Mayo Clinic, "Some research has shown that BPA can seep into food or beverages from containers that are made with BPA.

"Exposure is a concern because of possible health effects."

Fortunately, by knowing which items contain BPA and what the risks can be, you can cut back on or eliminate the contact you and your family have with this potentially dangerous chemical.

Keep scrolling for a look at the surprising sources and unexpected health risks of BPA.

Surprising Sources Of BPA Source #1: Receipts

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

Many ordinary store receipts are printed on thermal paper which contains BPA in the coating.

According to Newsweek, a recent study "found that people who continuously handle store receipts wind up with significantly elevated levels of bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, in their urine."

This doesn't mean that you should never touch a receipt. But it may show that you should avoid handling thermal paper receipts more than absolutely necessary.

Source #2: Canned Food

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

Many cans have an epoxy coating that contains BPA.

The Breast Cancer Fund writes, "Avoid canned foods whenever possible (choose fresh and frozen instead).

"Look for soups and sauces in glass or other safe packaging."

Source #3: Plastic Food Containers

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

According to the Mayo Clinic, BPA is "often used in containers that store food and beverages, such as water bottles."

Not only can BPA seep into food from the plastic under normal circumstances, but it can be particularly bad if you heat the plastics at all, either in the microwave or dishwasher.

The Mayo Clinic recommends, "Look for products labeled as BPA-free. If a product isn't labeled, keep in mind that some, but not all, plastics marked with recycle codes 3 or 7 may be made with BPA."

Source #4: Soda And Beer Cans

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

While companies maintain that their soda and beer cans contain safe levels of BPA, it may just be wiser to opt for a glass bottle.

The New York Times writes, "The study found that when people drank soy milk from a can, the levels of BPA in their urine rose dramatically within two hours.

"But on days when they drank the same beverage from glass bottles, which don't have BPA linings, there was no significant change in their BPA levels."

Source #5: Coffee Pots

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

When using a coffee pot, it is important to make sure that it is BPA-free. Otherwise, it is best to opt for a non-plastic version.

According to Wellness Mama, "Sadly, many coffee pots are a source of BPA, and since hot water is used, there is a higher chance of it leaching into food.

"Solution: use a French press or glass kettle instead."

Source #6: Children's Toys

Celine Haeberly for LittleThings

WebMD writes that fortunately, "According to the U.S. Department of Health, toys generally don't contain BPA.

"While the hard outer shields of some pacifiers do have BPA, the nipple that the baby sucks on does not."

But in order to be safe, it is best to check online for whether or not a specific toy contains BPA, or to opt for wood (not pressed wood), fabric, or stainless steel toys.

Keep scrolling for a look at the unexpected health risks that can come from BPA exposure.

Unexpected Health Risks Of BPA Risk #1: Heart Problems

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

According to The New York Times, "Chronic exposure to BPA, as it is commonly known, has been associated with heart disease."

They go on to cite a new study showing "that a single exposure to the chemical can have a direct and fairly immediate impact on cardiovascular health."

Risk #2: Cancer

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

WebMD writes, "Some animal studies have shown a possible link between BPA exposure and a later increased risk of cancer."

Both breast cancer and prostate cancer are of particular concern and, as the Breast Cancer Fund writes, "Even minuscule exposures increase risks."

Risk #3: Neurological Issues

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

BPA has also been studied as it affects the brain and nervous system of the body.

According to WebMD, "After a review of the evidence, the National Toxicology Program at the FDA expressed concern about BPA's possible side effects on the brain and behavior of infants and young children."

Risk #4: Hormone Imbalances

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Hormone specialist Dr. Jen Landa writes, "Because BPA is a synthetic estrogen, it has the potential to lead to hormone imbalances."

This "overload of estrogen may result in fatigue, anxiety, poor sleep, and other potential health concerns."

Risk #5: Diabetes

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

It is also possible that BPA can put you at higher risk for developing diabetes.

Science Alert cites a report from the U.S. Endocrine Society, "Leading endocrinologists detail new evidence both in humans and animal models that suggest exposure to the chemicals can also contribute to an increased risk of diabetes."

Risk #6: Obesity

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Studies have shown that people exposed to higher levels of BPA are more likely to suffer from weight issues.

According to Science Alert, "The evidence suggests that the risk is particularly high for unborn children who are exposed to [BPA] while in the womb.

"Researchers have found that this type of exposure causes obesity later in life."

Knowing which items contain BPA and how BPA can affect your health may help you to avoid this potentially dangerous chemical as much as possible.

Which of these came as a surprise to you? Let us know in the comments.

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