Usually, when you think of sharks, you think of danger. They may be the king of the ocean, but anyone who's seen Jaws (or even 10 minutes of Jaws) can tell you that they're not very friendly toward humans. And rightfully so. Sharks are predators, and almost all sharks are carnivores.
According to the BBC, areas located in the eastern US and southern Australia have seen their rates of shark attacks double throughout the last two decades. They claim that in 2018, there were 66 confirmed yet completely unprovoked attacks. So what can we do about it?
Aside from staying far away from the water, humans can also track the sharks to try to gain more information. And that may have been what inspired young Long Island resident T.J. to try to reel in a massive bull shark, one of the most dangerous. Bull sharks are known for being aggressive and can weigh anywhere between 200 and 500 pounds. The one that T.J. was trying to reel in was approximately 400 pounds.
What T.J. did could be considered dangerous, but according to Inside Edition, he's had experience with sharks before. So he's fully aware of their danger and the best way to handle them.
But even better, T.J. didn't openly harm the shark after reeling him in. It was still alive and more complacent, allowing T.J. and his friends to snap photos.
After examining it, he released it back into the ocean.
Watch the video to see what the shark looked like close up.