Bus Driver Feels ‘Compelled’ To Write Parents A Note About Their Kids’ Behavior

Every parent knows that it's not a good sign when the school sends a note home with your kiddo.

Usually, it means the little ones in your life have been up to no good. Sometimes, it's even worse, and you're in trouble, like the mom who wore pajamas to school drop-off and was taken to task.

But, if you dread seeing a school envelope carefully tucked into your child's backpack, we have a story that might just make you a little bit more optimistic about reading it.

Recently, two parents got a very special kind of note, from the bus driver that takes their son and daughter to school every day.

She noticed that, while some kids might misbehave on the bus in the morning, these two were making a special effort to do the opposite.

Instead, they spent every single morning sharing kindness and fun with a little boy who has some trouble walking.

Continue below to learn more about these two sweet kids and read their bus driver's letter in full!

Facebook / Love What Matters

The letter was originally shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page, where it received 45,000 reactions, and was shared more than 3,000 times!

It opens with a sweet and earnest greeting from a bus driver who works with kids every single day to the parents who are raising those kids right.

Keep scrolling to read all her powerful words!

Flickr / woodleywonderworks

Dear Jorge and Leonor,

I am compelled to write to tell you how beautiful your children are, inside and out!

This can only come from the home, your patience and guidance, the examples that you set and teach.

Wikimedia Commons

I have a child on my bus named Jackson.

Both of your children have shown him much compassion and support.

Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jackson.

Flickr / woodleywonderworks

Some days Jackson is a little sad getting on the bus but as soon as he sees Annaliese and Jorge he smiles.

Jackson has difficulties walking and it takes a bit for him to get to his seat.

Wikimedia Commons

Today Annaliese looked out from around her seat and said, “come on Jackson, you can do it” and when we arrived at school Jorge took it upon himself to carry out his backpack!

I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows!

Facebook / Love What Matters

It's a pretty wonderful letter, and definitely shows that Jorge Sr. and Leonor are doing an incredible job raising two kind and compassionate children.

In a world where we aren't often as kind to one another as we could be, it's wonderful to know that there are little Jorges and Annalieses out there making the world a better place for everyone.

If you agree, be sure to SHARE this sweet and touching letter!