Celebrities Team Together To Demand Gun Safety In This Powerful Video

Celebrities from all over America came together to film this incredibly powerful and moving public service announcement.

In the wake of the recent South Carolina shooting, the debate about gun rights has once again come swooping into the national discussion. The 21-year-old who murdered nine innocent people in a church had managed to get a deadly gun into his hands. Even though he was not legally allowed to own a gun, those laws meant nothing when he walked into the church that fateful night.

As the nation collectively grieves for the victims of yet another mass shooting, these celebrities have finally decided to use their fame to spread the word.

The plan for better gun safety is pretty simple: Close the loopholes that allow people to circumvent the law in order to get their hands on guns; keep better records so background checks are actually successful; keep assault rifles out of the public; and crack down on the illegal buying and selling from gun traffickers by better equipping law enforcement.

By signing up to join the movement, gun safety and better awareness will no longer be a dream, it will be a reality!

Since the tragedy at Newtown, CT, over 100 school shootings have occurred, don't you think its time we did something about it?

What do you think we should do about guns? Let us know in the comments below!

And please SHARE this amazing video with all of your friends and family!