Disneyland is known for being fun for all ages, but a couple was reportedly having too much fun. On Reddit, a user described a situation where they were waiting for the train at Disneyland's Main Street station, and when the train came out of the tunnel, there was a couple behaving in a way that the Reddit user described as "pretty nasty."
"Maybe they didn’t realize the train was out of the tunnel and pulling up to the station," the Reddit user said, giving them the benefit of the doubt, it seems.
The couple was spotted touching each other.
"The train pulls up and there was a couple in the back and the guy had his hands down her pants," the Reddit user revealed.
It seems like a choice that people wouldn't make often, but there have been other reports of similar sightings.
Another time, a ride was stopped due to NSFW activity.
On another thread, a Redditor described a situation in which a ride was actually stopped due to a similar situation.
"We got stopped on the PeopleMover cause the couple two cars in front of us got frisky in Space Mountain!" the person wrote. The user added that after the ride stopped, lights came on and an announcement was made, saying, "We can see you!"
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Another Reddit user said having sex on rides is no big deal.
Another Reddit user argued that having sex at the theme park was not really a big deal. The Reddit user said, "Most adults have had sex in public places.”
Many of the people who responded to the post did not agree.
Reddit users expressed their disgust.
"He's very lucky they'll only call him out, public sex will get you on the sex offender list and good luck getting a job finding another partner or even making new friends when they discover you're on the sex offender list," one user wrote.
Another added, "If you’re into voyeurism that’s fine, but get some other consenting adults to participate instead of exposing yourself in a place filled with kids."
One user had doubts that the Reddit user actually had sex on a ride. "This is a lie, I pulled my mask down under my chin and they stopped the ride, came over the speaker and told me to pull it up," the user wrote.
Others don't really believe the stories.
One commenter said they haven't actually heard firsthand, confirmed accounts of people having sex at Disneyland. Others in the comments said they can confirm, or they've heard stories of it happening.
If you try it, there will be consequences, one user verified.
One user pointed out that if people try to enjoy any NSFW activities, they will be called out in front of everyone. They know from experience, kind of.
"I only know this as my husband and I got stuck on the The Little Mermaid ride at Disneyworld," the user explained. "While you’re stuck, Sebastian’s voice will tell you to stay seated in a typical loud Sebastian way. Well my husband who is really good at impressions started doing Sebastian voice. At first it was cute things, and then he started taking requests from people in the ride and it turned X rated. The cast member came on the loud speaker that the ride will start soon, and 'can the British guy doing Sebastian impressions please stop or we will get Ursula to take your voice.'"
A former employee shared that it does happen.
According to PopSugar, one former Disney employee explained that people do try to have sex on rides fairly frequently.
"People have sex there all the time," the former employee claimed. "ALL THE TIME. On rides, in the parking structure. When they get caught they get escorted out . . . unless they are underage then we legally have to call parents."
The former employee shared a story about kicking someone out.
The former employee alleged that a couple was seen performing a sexual act on a ride, so they were told to stop over the loudspeaker. Twice. They didn't stop, so the employee stopped them at the end of the ride to talk to them about it.
"I said, 'Hi folks, do you know why I am talking to you?' The girl goes 'We didn't do anything and you can't prove it.' The guy smiles and says 'Yeah we did,'" the employee claimed.
Inappropriate behavior is not tolerated at Disney parks.
Despite these stories, inappropriate behavior is not tolerated. It is recommended that if you see inappropriate behavior at Disneyland, you should approach a Cast Member for help instead of getting involved yourself because. Staff are trained to deal with these situations.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.