Embarrassed Little Girl Has An Accident At School, Then Dad Shows Up Wearing Wet Jeans

Almost every child has had a potty accident at some point — it's embarrassing and awkward, and lots of little kids feel really ashamed for not making it to the bathroom on time.

When 6-year-old Valerie Sowards had an accident at school, she was really upset. The school called her mom, Connie, to let her know what happened.

Then, Connie called her husband, Ben, and told him that Valerie was crying and wanted to go home.

So Ben grabbed his keys to head out the door — but then he had a brilliant idea.

He wanted to make Valerie feel better about what happened, so he decided to do something pretty incredible — and now he's gone viral for it.

Ben's oldest daughter, 17-year-old Lucinda, thought it was so sweet that she posted pictures of her dad and little sister on Twitter.

[H/T: BuzzFeed]

Twitter / @LucindaSowards

Lucinda posted the three photos on her Twitter account, where they immediately went viral.

Within four days, the post had over 255,00 likes and over 63,000 retweets.

Twitter / @LucindaSowards

Ben is a dad of 11, and he would truly do anything for his kids.

Ben told BuzzFeed that he was heartbroken to hear that his sweet daughter was distraught about her accident. However, he quickly realized what he had to do.

Twitter / @LucindaSowards

He splashed water over his own pants to make Valerie feel like she wasn't alone.

When he got to the school to pick up Valerie, she was shocked to see that her dad's pants matched hers.

Twitter / @LucindaSowards

In her tweet, Lucinda wrote:

My little sis had an accident today at kindergarten & this is how my dad left to pick her up so she wouldn’t feel so embarrassed.

Twitter / @LucindaSowards

People everywhere love what Ben did for his daughter — and it's safe to say he would do it for any of his 11 kids.

Their family may not be exactly traditional — the Sowards built their family through foster care and adoption — but Ben and Connie make all their children feel special and loved.

Facebook / Ben Sowards

Would you do something like this for your kids?

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