To a daughter, they're extra-special humans. Dads are the ones who show us how we should be treated by every other man in our lives. They are there with their big bear hugs when we're down, and are always up to defending us when we need a little help. They're essential in a girl's life!
But sometimes they just don't understand us, especially when we're young. They aren't necessarily interested in the same things as their little girls, like dolls, playing dress-up, and hair and makeup experiments.
But there's a way to change that. Although a dad's interest in hair and makeup may still be at the lower end of the spectrum, having skills in this area to bond with his daughter might change how he looks at these "girly" activities.
One Imgur user posted a collage of photos with a caption: "I teamed up with my local college to host another free event for fathers. We went over hair and nails to help encourage dads to better connect with their girls . 23 dads, stepdads and even a grandfather showed up and we all learned something new."
It certainly seems like these dads are getting the hang of handling a nail polish brush!

An Imgur user posted a collage of photos of dads doing their daughters' hair and nails.

The activity was part of a free session offered by a local college.

The idea is that fathers are better able to bond with their daughters if they participate in their favorite pastimes.

It seems like all the men learned something new!

Who knows — they may have even enjoyed doing their daughters' nails and hair.

Many people agree: This is the perfect way to get fathers and young daughters — who may not yet have much in common — to spend some quality time together.
Please SHARE if you think more dads should take the time to learn what their daughters love to do to be able to bond with them better!