Mom Finds Red Marks On Toddler And Says Day Care Waxed Her Eyebrows Without Permission

A young mother named Alyssa Salgado dropped off her 2-year-old daughter at daycare in 2018 while she attended class at the local community college.

Later that day, the mother of two from Washington state went to pick up her daughter.

But she noticed the adorable little girl looked different from when she'd been dropped off.

Back at home, Alyssa took a closer look at the strange red mark in between her daughter's eyebrows.

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The horrified mom took to Facebook to post a new set of photos with a disturbing claim that's now sparking outrage across the country…

[H/T: KREM Facebook]

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When your kids are in the hands of childcare professionals, you trust these people with their lives.

Sometimes, it can feel like that sense of trust is broken by the very people who are supposed to care for your kids as if they were their own.

Facebook / Alyssa Salgado

Alyssa Salgado, a mother of two and college student from Washington state, learned this the hard way.

Alyssa recently dropped off her 2-year-old daughter at daycare.

Facebook / Alyssa Salgado

With her toddler at the daycare center, Alyssa attended class at her local community college nearby.

Hours later, when Alyssa picked her daughter up, she noticed a strange red mark in between her child's eyebrows.

At first, she assumed it was just a scratch.

Facebook / Alyssa Salgado

Upon closer inspection at home, Alyssa felt certain the staff had waxed her daughter's unibrow without permission.

Furious and horrified, Alyssa took to Facebook to tell her story.

She said that she confronted the day care director, who responded by laughing in her face.

Facebook / Alyssa Salgado

"I immediately started to contact the director of the day care in many texts," Alyssa wrote.

“She tried to come up with multiple excuses, then this morning I take my daughter in person to the director. She laughs in my face telling me a bunch of lies and I do get upset!!! I AM A MOTHER NOTHING LIKE THIS SHOULD EVER HAPPEN AND THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO TOUCH MY DAUGHTER AT ALL.

I birthed my daughter and love every little thing about her and these so called women took it upon themselves to correct the way my daughter should look."


If you've ever waxed your body hair, then you know it can be a very painful and unpleasant process.

I can't even begin to imagine how much more painful it would be for a child; their skin is so delicate!

Facebook / Alyssa Salgado

Because this is such a sensitive topic and many mothers, and parents feel strongly about this topic, Alyssa's post has been shared 21,000 times on Facebook.

Facebook / Alyssa Salgado

Alyssa returned to the day care demanding answers.

The story took an even more troubling turn when she learned that the same thing possibly happened to another mother's son.

Facebook / Glenda Maria Cruz

Glenda Maria Cruz picked up her son and noticed his unibrow was suddenly gone.

Facebook / Glenda Maria Cruz

She, too, said the director of the daycare denied that the staff had anything to do with the waxing of any toddler's eyebrows.

Facebook / Glenda Maria Cruz

"My son can't talk, and I don't know what he has been through … and it's really hard honestly because he's just a baby he can't defend himself."

Facebook / Glenda Maria Cruz

"He's not even two yet…" Glenda wrote on Facebook.


Both Alyssa and Glenda say they feel they've failed their kids because they couldn't protect them.

"I can imagine her calling out 'Mommy' and I wasn't there to protect her I failed her," Alyssa wrote. "But I refuse to let this go unnoticed!"


Both Washington mothers have filed a police complaint.

There is currently an investigation into these allegations.

Please SHARE this disturbing story with your friends on Facebook.