Your family is a huge part of your life. Some people have the pleasure of having a close bond with their family and most of their family members. Then there are people whose families are built around toxic behavior and choose to steer clear for the sake of their own mental stability.
Monica, a popular YouTuber, shares with her viewers the reasons why her family decided to disown her. This is a tough topic for her to share with numerous subscribers and viewers, and I generously applaud her ability to include us in sharing her story.
Monica starts by telling us that she is going to explain her childhood trauma and why her family cut her off.
Monica’s dad is an alcoholic, and she claims his whole side of the family is aware of his addiction but enables him. Monica and her father live in Florida, while his family lives in New Jersey. She is his only close family within driving distance.
Monica goes on to explain how she was his punching bag growing up. Not physically, but he would be aggressive toward her. He would throw things, slam doors, and break stuff, which Monica labeled, “man baby things.”
Monica’s parents finally divorced when she was 17. This was a huge relief for her since she thought getting out of his house meant getting away from his bullying. Little did she know, it would just become worse.
Monica attempted to call her dad's side of the family and tell them everything that had been going on in hopes they would help her.
Their responses were not what she wanted to hear. They claimed she was overreacting and asked her why she was being so hard on him, knowing that he had a problem.
She attempted to screen his phone calls because they were not the most pleasant conversations, resulting in his side of the family blowing up her phone and asking her why she is ignoring her dad.
A few years after college she is living with her significant other, Chaz, back in her hometown. She is still getting phone calls from her father, but now, he starts showing up at her house angry and intoxicated.
To hear the rest of Monica’s story, watch the video.