Wanted Criminal Walks Into Police Station With Donuts After Promising Online To Turn Himself In

Being a police officer is a demanding job, but sometimes, the strangest encounters end up being the most unforgettable.

The Redford Township Police Department usually makes wanted posts so their community can keep an eye out for the suspects they are searching for.

A wanted man named Michael Zaydel, who had several outstanding warrants, decided to reach out to them. He told the police that he would turn himself in and bring donuts if their next post racked up 1,000 Facebook shares.

Well, Michael probably didn't expect the department to accept the challenge, nor did he think their latest post would receive as much interaction as it did.

So, he knew there was only one thing left to do as he made his way over to the station.

Keep scrolling to learn more about Michael and what happened when he arrived at the Redford Township Police Department after their post hit well over 1,000 Facebook shares.

Thumbnail Photo: Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

The Redford Township Police Department was used to dealing with strange occurrences and felons of all kinds. However, this particular encounter has left everyone in town baffled.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

One day, they received a Facebook message from one of the wanted men on their radar.

The man, Michael Zaydel, who also goes by the name "Champagne Torino," gave the officers a little challenge.

He promised to turn himself in — and even bring along donuts as a gift — if the station's next post got 1,000 Facebook shares.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

So, the department accepted Michael's challenge.

With help from their community, not only did their next post reach 1,000 Facebook shares, it had a whopping 4,000 as of October 18, 2017!

When Michael realized every requirement was met, he knew there was only one thing left to do.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

The wanted man made his way to a donut shop before arriving outside the Redford Township P0lice Department on October 16, 2017.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

With his freshly purchased donuts in hand, the 21-year-old walked into the station and turned himself in at around 6:30 that night.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

Over 4,000 Facebook shares and 1,200 likes later, Michael was ready to pay for his past and seemed to cooperate quite well.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

In the end, Michael was a man of his word and didn't break his promise to the police.

He probably would have been taken into custody eventually, but it's nice to know that his arrest happened in the nicest way possible.

Facebook / Redford Township Police Department

Please SHARE if you're glad Michael did the right thing by keeping his word — and actually brought the donuts, too!