2 Musicians Surprise Strangers In The Elevator With A Sing-A-Long

Service is a smile. It is an acknowledging wave, a reaching handshake, a friendly wink, and a warm hug. It's these simple acts that matter most… – Richelle E. Goodrich

Whether we are going to school or work, Mondays can be pretty tough. But one small act of kindness or care can make a difference in your day. Jubilee Project is excited to share their latest project where they enlist two musicians, Lana and Nick, to surprise people in the elevator with a private concert.

Once the unsuspected elevator riders realized they were being privately serenaded with Jackson 5's classic pop hit "I Want You Back," their reactions are priceless. Young, old, men, women — everyone joins in the singing as they smile, laugh, and start dancing along (except for the grumpy pizza delivery guy). It's pure joy, and on a Monday morning no less 🙂

"We hope this video brings you some laughter and joy and remember, one small gesture can be of such great encouragement to someone around you," the folks at Jubilee Project say.

This is the kind of random act that shows how sweet and open-hearted people can really be. Watch the video and please SHARE if you know someone who needs cheering up!