Ellen Degeneres is full of goodness, and she's always looking for the good in others. She's also always doing her very best to spread happiness to as many people as she can, and giving deserving people opportunities to shine.
For instance, Ellen has given many young talents the opportunities to get their names out there. She's also offered adults who've lived really difficult lives second chances at following their dreams after tragedy or loss.
One way to spread happiness is to promote equality in every sense of the word. She doesn't do this by sending aggressive messages or preaching to those who don't want to hear it. She does her best to prove all the nasty, prejudiced people out there wrong through intelligent reasoning. And on top of all this, she manages to make you laugh while doing it.
Now, regardless of your political views, you have to admit that some of the fire that former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has come under has been mindlessly targeted at the fact that she is a woman.
As Ellen opens up her show, she notes that while she tries not to get too sucked into politics, there was one comment that really struck a sour chord in her. It's a topic that every woman can relate to.
The way that Ellen approaches the subject is, as always, perfect. I couldn't agree with her words any more strongly!
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