They Built Unique Tiny Studios On TOP Of Old Farm Trucks!

There are many upcycling projects out there that have inspired me. I admire those who make the best use of old items, and use their skills to bestow a new meaning to them.

One family has done exactly this. The Scotts live in Hollyburton Park, a large farm property located in Victoria, Australia. Trained as an architect in the '80s, Rob Scott was inspired to take old, used farm trucks to create a new, interesting way of using space.

Scott initially thought of transforming the trucks because he sought simplicity and beauty in downsizing. This is perfectly in line with the family's general philosophy of self-sustenance — or, living off the land and its incredible bounty.

What's most intriguing is that the Scotts constructed the tiny homes all by themselves. The Scotts' creation has truly redefined how we see old, broken-down commodities.

What did you think of this peculiar tiny house design? Let us know in the comments below!

Rob Scott and his family specialize in building unique-looking studios. For the past few years, they've been converting used Bedford farm trucks from the '50s and '60s, and building tiny "houses" on top of them.

Facebook/Studio Trucks

The Scotts run Hollyburton Park, a 150-year-old property in Clarkefield, a town in Southern Australia.

Facebook/Studio Trucks

The idea was to create spaces that would be functional — and double as offices, guest houses, and children's rooms, for instance.

Facebook/Studio Trucks

With an architect's background, Scott got to work. He and his family have built a total of five studio trucks, two of which their daughters use as bedrooms.

Hollyburton Park

The truck studios are built for full mobile usage. Scott used pine studs and sturdy framing and lining techniques for construction.

Hollyburton Park

Each studio has a pot belly stove, and can accommodate up to five adults.

Hollyburton Park

The studio is equipped with LED lights. The exterior is insulated with corrugated iron, so that water doesn't pool.

Hollyburto Park

Each of the studios takes up to three months to build. In the end, they stand just below 14 feet, and still fit perfectly within the height limits permitted for mobile trucks.

Hollyburton Park

"Because you're never far from a window in them, they have a delightful feeling. They change how you think and feel about a space. There's something nurturing about them," Scott told The Weekly Times, an Australian paper on rural news.

Hollyburton Park

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