Everyone has a favorite food, that one thing that you crave at all hours of the day. For me? It has to be pizza. As cliche as it is, there's just nothing that beats a good, crunchy yet fluffy crust loaded with delicious sauce and ooey gooey cheese. Just the thought of pizza makes me happy!
Another thing that makes me happy? A fresh manicure. The two might not seem like they go together, but if you get a little creative, the outcome is so, so good. When you turn your nails into adorable odes to your favorite food, you're sure to turn some heads. All you need besides your creativity is some good old-fashioned nail polish.
Whether you've got a sweet tooth, or you enjoy the savory things in life, there are plenty of cute options for a meal-inspired mani. Don't believe me? Just check out these ideas and get inspired! These are some of the tastiest nails I've ever seen… which sounds weird, but just trust me on this!
1. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day...
What better way to start your morning than with an adorable fried-egg mani?
2. Or, if you run on carbs and sugar, how about a donut manicure?
So sweet!
3. Hungry for a hamburger?
Or should I say glamburger?! The glitter is perfection.
4. How do you like your hot dogs?
Just mustard makes for super-tasteful nail art.
5. This one's my favorite... space pizza!
It's literally out of this world.
6. These sushi and sashimi nails look almost good enough to eat!
So realistic!
7. If you're looking for a sugary snack, these gummy worm nails are just for you!
So sugary, so pretty, so good.
8. This mani would go perfectly with a cold glass of milk.
They're so tiny and adorable!
9. Are you loyal to your favorite brand of cheesy snacks?
Show it with your nails!
10. These pretzel nails are a perfect ode to the salty snack.
The salty dots are just the cutest.
Want to see more tasty nails? Click to the next page for more deliciousness!
11. Maybe you like to snack healthy...
These watermelon nails are a nice twist on a classic red nail.
12. They say dark chocolate is good for you...
This chocolate mani is definitely good for your look.
13. Everyone loves cheese. Everyone.
Even these sweet little mice!
14. After all these junk foods, make sure to get your veggies in.
The detail on the corn is just too good.
15. An apple a day, right?
Plus oranges, kiwi, strawberries… the works!
16. Did you know avocado is technically a fruit?
Fruit, veggie, or nut… avocados are both delicious and the perfect nail decoration.
17. But enough with the healthy stuff...
Who doesn't love some rainbow sprinkles?
18. Nothing goes better with sprinkles than ice cream.
Add an accent nail with some gems and you're all glam'd up!
19. If you simply can't decide...
Just have it all!
These do require a certain level of artistry, but if you keep it simple like the hot dogs or watermelon, you can totally pull it off!
Are you going to try one of these on your next rainy day? I know I am… that pizza is simply too good! Please SHARE with your friends on Facebook!