I have always been fascinated with how certain names will rise and fall in popularity over generations of babies being born. There are always the standbys like Mary, John, and Jane, but I'm more interested in the unique monikers you find popping up every now and again.
Just by taking a look at what trends for names were big in a specific decade can point to what the era's pop culture, family lives, and traditions were like. There are usually plenty of names being passed down from one branch of the family tree to the next, too, weaving their way back through centuries of ancestors.
As you can see in the examples below, the Victorian Era certainly doesn't fall short when it comes to crafting some delightfully unique names for their little bundles of joy. I also really love how many of them could work well for either a boy or a girl these days!
Did we miss any names from back in the day that you think deserve to be brought back? Let us know in the comments and be sure to SHARE with your loved ones!
1. Eberhard

This hearty male name harkens back to the strength and courage of a wild boar.
2. Ebba

The shorter feminine version of Eberhard definitely retains that strength with a quaint charm.
3. Simeon

Taken from Genesis in the Bible, this twist on the ordinary Simon really steps things up a notch.
4. Larkin

Though it was originally given strictly to boys, this name brings to mind the song of a lark and would sound lovely on either a male or female baby.
5. Adelia

This flowery name comes from a plant native to Latin America and the West Indies and is a delightful twist on Adele.
6. Luella

This combination of Louise and Ella would make any little girl feel like a princess and inspire sweet nicknames like Lulu.
7. Ottilie

Your little one certainly wouldn't have to worry about bumping into anyone else with this unique feminine version of Otto, which peaked in popularity way back in 1880.
8. Agnes

This saintly name has come in and out of popularity over the centuries, especially in northern European communities, but hasn't really seen its full potential.
9. Alva

Originally a male name, this take on Alf has since been taken over by females born in Sweden and Norway, and could work just as beautifully for young girls in our neck of the woods.
10. Flossie

This old nickname for Florence gives it a much more childlike interpretation and could perhaps serve as a nice dental hygiene reminder.
11. Wiley

This name, for boys and girls, should be reserved for those you predict will be a bit on the rambunctious side.
12. Elbert

This twist on Albert would set any young man apart from the rest of the crowd.
Did we miss any old fashioned names you'd like to see come back into style? Let us know below and be sure to SHARE with your friends!