When we think about the conventional family, we often only think about parents surrounded by children. But nowadays, many different kinds of families are emerging, like single moms or dads who support their kids by themselves. We also forget about the families who have taken in adopted children, or even foster children. The love in those families is no less boundless than the love between parents and their biological children!
A woman who has a lot of love to give is Claudia Asprer. Over the course of 14 years, she fostered a whopping total of 90 children, in addition to her own children. Understanding the need for a resource center for emancipated youth, she created the nonprofit Movin' On Up, which provides individuals from the ages of 16 to 25 with a way to succeed. But her children — biological and foster — know her best as the mom who can cook amazing and delicious meals.
Claudia appeared on the Queen Latifah Show to discuss her work with foster children. But little did she know what the host had in store for her. Claudia hadn't seen some of her children in a while, admitting that she missed them. And when the host takes her by the hand and stands up, who should come out but not one, not two, but at least eight of her daughters!
But that's not the only surprise waiting for her. Watch to find out why this generous mom breaks down…
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