Is this what forgiveness is all about? You tell me.
Gary Ridgway, a.k.a the "Green River Killer," is a serial killer linked to the murders of 48 young women in Washington state. It took nearly 20 years for Ridgway to be caught and brought to justice.
During his trial, Ridgway remained cold and without remorse. One by one, his victim's loved ones stood up and spoke from their hearts, expressing their hatred for the killer sitting before them. The courtroom was full of anger and pain, and rightfully so.
It wasn't until an elderly man — Robert Rule, father of victim Linda Rule — stood up that Ridgway finally broke down. What Robert said shocked everyone, including the cold-hearted killer.
"Mr. Ridgway, there are people here who hate you. I'm not one of them. I forgive you for what you've done. You've made it difficult to live up to what I believe, and that is what God says to do, and that is forgive, and he doesn't say to forgive just certain people, he says forgive all. So you are forgiven. My daughter was 16 at the time you killed her. My wife and I were separated, and she had to live on the street. She did things I may not have been proud of, but she was still a little girl. She was still my daughter."
We've seen many dramatic courtroom moments, but none quite like this — because we've never seen such evil before. Ridgway was sentenced to 48 consecutive prison sentences with no hope of parole. As for Robert Rule, however, the internet believes he's the epitome of a "true Christian," and a better man than most.
What do you think of the old man's powerful words? Let us know, and please SHARE this video.