This Birthday Girl Was Hoping For A Cell Phone. What She Got Instead Had Her In Tears!

There’s nothing quite like the surprise of an unexpected gift to make your day, particularly when it’s a long-awaited birthday present.

One of our favorite reaction videos of a birthday gift of a lifetime is of a little girl whose dream of meeting Disney princesses is made a reality just a few short days before her birthday. Her mom gives her a pink princess-themed suitcase full of treats to open, and as she unpacks them one-by-one, we’re left wondering if they’re clues about something bigger. When her mom asks where all of her many gifts would be best put to use and reveals they’re leaving for Disneyland that very day, the little girl’s reaction is priceless (not unlike my own the first time my parents took me to meet Mickey Mouse and crew).

And how about another cutie whose birthday surprise went viral? (Be warned, you’ll need some tissues for this one.) When a giant box shows up on the doorstep of one very special little boy, the last thing he expects to find is his greatest wish fulfilled when his soldier dad is revealed to be inside. I’d say that’s a gift beyond any measure.

The reaction of the birthday girl in the video below certainly rivals those of the sweethearts mentioned above. She unwraps some miniature clothing sets fit for a doll, a little baffled about who they’re for. When her mom reveals the real surprise? She breaks down into tears. So precious! If this video made you smile, SHARE it with your friends!