One of the greatest gifts that any child can give his or her parent is a grandchild. Ask any grandparent and they will tell you, the most amazing thing they've ever felt is their own child's baby in their arms.
It's an incredible love. They have someone to spoil, take care of, and hand back over at the end of the day! What could be better?
It's such an amazing moment to find out that your child is going to be a parent. The news alone is enough to turn most future grandparents to mush — like these soon-to-be grandparents who find out that their daughter is pregnant during a game of Dictionary or this mom and dad whose daughter tells them she's expecting with a sweet book.
Unfortunately, for some families, distance keeps them apart during the special time when a new baby is entering the world. For grandparents who can't be there for the birth of their grandchild, the moment when they finally meet the little one can be overwhelming in the best way! This new grandma traveled all the way to Mexico to meet her new grandson.
The moment when she holds him for the first time? Absolutely amazing.
Please SHARE this heartwarming video with all of your friends!