As a woman, getting home safely, especially in the late hours of the night, is a major concern. You never know what dangerous situation may arise. It's not uncommon to hear of stories of women who were confronted by individuals who had the intent to cause them harm.
In light of this, there still aren't many options for women in this regard. When public transportation isn't an option, many are left to their own devices to get to their destination. This includes taxi services of different kinds, or even walking alone — but many still do not feel at ease. There have even been cases when drivers have proven to be untrustworthy.
That's when "Grandma Uber" steps in.
Kathy Raydings is based in Brisbane, Australia, but news of her ingenious plan is quickly spreading all over the world. She's one of many people who share the same concern for daughters, sisters, and mothers when they are at their most vulnerable.
So she created a car service designed specifically for women, though she doesn't hesitate to give men a lift, too! Much like the actual car service Uber, she picks up her passengers at a set location when they request her, and she drives them home.
For women, knowing that their driver is female is enough to put them at ease.
But riding with Grandma Uber comes with a few special perks: She always arrives with a few special treats, baked fresh! Kathy is already planning to put together a fleet of cars so that she can help as many women as possible.
Please SHARE if you think your town deserves its own Grandma Uber!