As much as many of us hate to admit it, human beings can be responsible for some truly gross behavior. Some folks like to embrace their sloppier side, while others prefer to hide these less appealing habits behind closed doors. But either way we slice it, we can sometimes be pretty darn gross!
I know I've done quite a few of the examples below — some more often than others. But no matter how prim and proper we believe ourselves to be, I'm still pretty confident we've all done at least one of these cringe-worthy things at some point in our lives. In fact, even as I was writing this in my living room by myself at home, I realized I was totally guilty of #10 without even thinking about it.
Did we miss anything particularly gross you've caught yourself or a loved one doing before? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to SHARE all the icky stuff with your friends and family!
Thumbnail source: Wikimedia Commons
1. Pick Our Noses

We're all guilty of this as kids, but some of us never grow out of it. Hey, sometimes you just need to go digging to really clear things out!
2. Eat Food Off The Floor

The "five second rule" might not have a lot of actual science to back it up, but it's something we've all allowed ourselves to believe at one point or another. Some food is just too good to care about germs, even if that means dusting off a few stray hairs or bits of dirt before diving back in.
3. Eat In Bed

Breakfast in bed is a treat, but not so much when the syrup runs down onto our sheets. Same goes for binging on chow mein under the covers.
4. Multitask On The Toilet

Whether we're trying to win the next level of Candy Crush or just texting a friend, it's tempting to multitask, even if that means spreading germs to our mobile devices.
5. "Forget" To Wash Our Hands

Our hands are just going to get dirty again anyway, right? Hopefully we aren't serving food or tending to medical needs after skipping this step in the restroom, though.
6. Bite Our Nails

Even if we are diligent hand washers, our nails pick up all sorts of icky stuff throughout the day that we're now gnawing away at.
7. Let Dishes "Soak"

No dish — no matter how caked with food it gets — needs to sit in a sink longer than a day or so. But we sometimes manage to wait days or even weeks before we pick up the sponge.
8. Wear Dirty Clothes

Or, as my family likes to call them, "clirty" — clothes that probably should be washed but pass the sniff and spot test.
9. Pop Pimples

We know popping them only makes our skin worse and causes potential scars, but there's something so satisfying about nabbing those pesky zits and blackheads.
10. Pick Scabs

Again, we know this might cause scarring, but it's so hard not to give into the temptation when you see that slightly healed skin.
11. Fart Up A Storm

On average, we all inhale about a liter of other people's gas per day while providing plenty more for others. Even if we attempt to be discrete as we relieve ourselves, that's still a lot of noxious fumes flying around the air.
Did we miss something super gross that we all do? Let us know in the comments and be sure to SHARE with your friends!