He Takes A Chain and Axe Into The Woods. The Result? GENIUS!

Lifehacks have taught us some very important things. They've taught us how to polish our shoes with a banana and how to turn on our gas ovens with pasta, but, most importantly, they have taught us all of the amazing things that one can do with tin foil. It’s mind-boggling!

Personally, one tin foil hack has revolutionized the way I iron, and I hated to iron. Now I LOVE IT. I iron everyone’s clothes, even my neighbor's (I sneak into their homes at night, steal their clothes, iron, and return them — just kidding…or am I???? I am.)

Today, I stumbled upon a new hack that makes me excited to do another chore I previously loathed — chopping firewood. Unless you’re a lumberjack, no one likes chopping wood. It’s hard, the axe is heavy, and, personally, I have terrible aim. But after watching this brilliant trick, I want to book a trip to Vermont, rent a cabin, and chop, chop, chop firewood until I have beautifully sculpted Michelle Obama arms that I can show off roasting marshmallows in a blazing fireplace.

Watch this man’s genius come to life in the video below and make sure to SHARE his brilliance with everyone you know!