We've seen dancing dogs, birds and even goats, but "dancing penguin" is a new one. The hilarious penguin in the video below gives a whole new meaning to happy feet.
The joyous penguin warms himself up by continuously jumping around, while other penguins remain huddled together. It looks like he's the only one who really enjoys the snow! I can't blame him.
He may not be able to fly across the sky, but this penguin still has some serious rhythm, using his flippers to waddle and "dance" around, as the other penguins look on.
Although penguins are not an endangered species, climate change is a growing concern for penguins that live in Antarctica — the emperor penguin and the Adelie penguin. The sea ice has been disappearing, and penguin populations along with it. A 2008 WWF study estimated that "50% of the emperor penguins and 75% of the Adelie penguins will likely decline or disappear if global average temperatures rise above pre-industrial levels by just 2 degrees C — a scenario that could be reached in less than 40 years."
This video is from 2010, but recently resurfaced on social media — and we're so glad it did. Watch for yourself and tell us this little guy doesn't have some serious moves.
If this happy penguin made you smile, spread the joy, and please SHARE this with your friends.