The fact that drunk driving is still an epidemic in this country is absolutely sickening. To lose anyone to that kind of accident is horrifying, but especially when it's an innocent child, or any children for that matter.
Drunk driving will dramatically change your life or someone else's, and it's not fair that people who had no part in the crime end up suffering the consequences sometimes.
Shawn Zimmerman is a young dad who has to deal with just that. He just lost not one, but two of his children to a drunk driver.
His daughter and son both passed away after the accident, leaving him with her twin sister to mourn the loss of such a huge part of their family and their life.
Then, one day, they get a call from a little boy's family. When they go to meet this family of strangers, what this little boy has to share with them is something that will make you go through an entire tissue box.
I truthfully cannot imagine what this father is going through. Hearing this must be indescribable and so bittersweet.
There are no words to even describe my feelings watching this. It's both heartbreaking and heartwarming in some way.
I can only hope that this dad finds some peace with this little boy, and that he honors his daughter and son, in whatever way he sees fit.
Please SHARE this emotional video with your loved ones to spread the word about drunk driving and honor the Zimmerman family!