The homeless population in this country is staggeringly high.
The number of people each night who do not have a home to sleep in breaks my heart. When I learn that a veteran, someone who has served to protect and honor this country, is homeless, I can't help but cry.
As devastating as this news is to hear, it also brings attention to the number of homeless veterans there are. Just like when, after news stations reported the death of a homeless man who had no known living relatives, hundreds of people attended his funeral.
After hearing that Timothy Hogan, a 20-year-old homeless veteran, had never had a bedroom of his own, Goodwill of Northeast Iowa knew that they couldn't let that go on any longer.
Now this U.S. Marine veteran has both a job and a bedroom of his own, thanks to Goodwill officials. Hogan claims that it may not look like much, but the expression on his face shows just how big of an impact this has on him.
Timothy is the first of four veterans to move into the house. Steve Tisue, vice president of human services for Goodwill of Northeast Iowa, says that the program is meant to give these veterans a second chance. It's not a handout, he considers it a hand up to help.
“I think it’s very rewarding serving veterans who have served us so well over the years, to pay that back a little,” Tisue told Yahoo. “Goodwill is grateful as well.”
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