Abraham Lincoln is one of the main presidents of the United States we all learn about early on in school. That makes us feel like we're pretty familiar with his life and legacy, but how much do they really tell us in our history books?
Sure, we're taught plenty of interesting things, like the fact that he was the 16th president to be sworn in, that he was assassinated while watching a play, and that he gave the Gettysburg Address during the Civil War. You might have even learned that he was the first man to sport a beard in the Oval Office, which is definitely impressive.
However, after digging into the details about ole Honest Abe, I couldn't believe how many fascinating secrets I've been missing out on!
Take a look below to learn more about the lesser seen side of Lincoln, and be sure to let us know if we forgot your favorite fact about this impressive president.
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1. He Was A Wrestler

Not the kind we see parading on TV, of course, but before taking office, Abe was known for his talents in trash talking and subduing all but one of his opponents.
He also spent time as a bartender for a co-owned establishment and held a patent, something no other president has ever done. A model of his idea for a buoy for ships over shoals is on display at the Smithsonian.
2. He Was A Feminist

Long before the suffrage movement swept the nation and allowed women to finally vote, Abe began expressing his wish for women voters back in 1836.
3. He Never Went To Law School

Despite passing the bar exam and practicing law for years from the office pictured above, Lincoln never received his law degree after spending only about 18 months in formal schooling throughout the course of his life.
4. His Mom Died Of Poisoned Milk

Lincoln was only nine years old when his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, passed away from "milk sickness" — an ailment which is caused by both meat and dairy products when cattle are exposed to white snakeroot plants.
5. He Held Seances In The White House

After the losses of two of his sons, Edward Baker Lincoln in 1846 and William Wallace "Willie" Lincoln in 1862, both parents were overwhelmed by their sadness. Abe, who was prone to depression throughout his life, suffered bouts of "melancholy" and would attempt to communicate with the boys from beyond.
6. He Didn't Have A Middle Name

His parents decided to keep it short and sweet with just the first and last name. As you can see above, he would later even further abbreviate his signature.
7. He Hated Being Called Abe

Oops, sorry about all those times above. Apparently, he preferred being referred to simply as Lincoln.
8. He Remains The Tallest President Ever

And we aren't counting the top hat, just his towering 6'4 frame. He also sported an impressive shoe size between 12 and 14.
9. His Funeral Went On Tour

For two weeks following his death, Lincoln's body was carted around the United States for his citizens to pay their respects. When he was finally laid to rest, grave robbing attempts made it so they had to continuously change his location.
After his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, passed away in 1901, he was able to remain permanently by her side in Springfield, IL.
10. His Dog Suffered The Same Fate

Not even a year after he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's beloved dog, Fido, who had been staying with friends when the Lincolns moved to DC, was stabbed to death by a drunk man.
11. Tom Hanks Is A Distant Relative

His last surviving descendant, a great-great grandson named Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, passed away in 1985.
However, Tom Hanks revealed he is distantly related to Lincoln as his third cousin, four times removed on the president's mother's side.
Did we miss your favorite fact about our 16th president? Let us know in the comments and be sure to SHARE with your friends!