The television show The Honeymooners is still recognized today for its time-tested humor and larger-than-life characters, and it laid down the groundwork for American sitcoms up until today. If you watch any episode of the 1950's show, there's no doubt you'll be laughing — even if the jokes seem outdated by today's standards.
The Honeymooners ran for only 39 episodes, from 1955 to 1956, but some clips from the show are still very memorable. One of these scenes features Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton (played by actors Jackie Gleason and Art Carney) dancing "The Hucklebuck."
"The Hucklebuck" was a dance made popular in 1949, and watching these two men take it on is enough to make you laugh hysterically!
Ralph wants to impress his wife with a very special night, and for that, needs to learn a dance. But his friend Ed picks a song and dance that Ralph doesn't think he can imitate. The routine is very elaborate, and he doesn't think he can learn it.
But watch when Ralph, who is dressed in a silly costume, puts his own spin on the dance. His is almost better than the original!
Do you remember watching this hilarious scene on television? Let us know in the comments below.
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The Honeymooners – Ralph Kramden & Norton Dance The Hucklebuck
Posted by Joke Jockey on Wednesday, March 30, 2016