Here’s What Your Favorite Hygge Habit Says About Your Personality

This winter, we're all about embracing the hygge. We can all use some coziness, simplicity, and warmth every cold-weather season.

This year especially, it feels important to hunker down in happiness. We may be in for a cold, dark winter, but at least we have each other and the simple things that bring us joy.

As you're incorporating hygge into your lifestyle, you may find some hygge habits come easier than others. Maybe you've already got a ton of blankets and love making a good fort or nest out of them. Perhaps you're a longtime candle fanatic looking for an excuse to light them all up. These little comforts that we take heart in say a lot about who we are as people.

Here's what your favorite hygge habits say about who you are and how others perceive you.

Lighting Candles


Candles are the easiest way to start transitioning to a hygge mentality for some folks. There's many a candle enthusiast out there who loves a good reason to break out their collection.

Your personality: Candles are indicative of a sensitive and sentimental personality. Keepsakes and mementos really mean something to you. You like to feel warm and relaxed while radiating that to others.



If you're enjoying the baking portion of hygge living, you're not the only one. How many of us have reveled in the comfort of a baked good (or two, or 10) this year?

Your personality: You thrive when things are direct and precise. Baking is formulaic, so if you're making the same thing over and over, it fits nicely into your daily routine. You're also likely to be a giver. Baking (and cooking) are often activities to make meals to share. There's something social to it.

Cuddling Up in Blankets


Did you know blanket is actually a Flemish word? And where is Flemish from? Flounder, or modern-day Belgium. The idea dates back to the prehistoric era, because since the beginning of time, we've all needed to curl up with something warm.

Your personality: Blankets are the kind of item you also form an emotional attachment to. While some people only experience that in childhood, others find comfort in items all throughout their lives. You like having accessible comfort. You also probably like having some of your own space carved out wherever you spend your time.

Indulging in Nostalgia


Part of the coziness of hygge is a connection to both past and present. While it certainly varies by person, most people can say they have memories that bring them comfort or happiness. If you're taking in all the old TV shows and music, there could be a reason why.

Your personality: You like feeling like you belong. Nostalgia can be shared with others to form common bonds, so you may enjoy engaging in small talk. Nostalgia can also be bittersweet, so you may have a deeper/darker side to you.

Dressing Comfortably


If big sweaters are your style, you may love dressing in the spirit of hygge. It's cozy to layer and bundle up in oversized, warm pieces all winter long.

Your personality: You like to be ready for anything. Cozy outfits are usually versatile and easy to dress up or down, so you may find that you're considered pretty flexible yourself.

Taking Time To Unplug


Being present is a big part of a hygge home, so that means way less screen time. Putting down the devices comes way easier to some than others, so it usually takes a pretty substantial effort.

Your personality: You like peace and simplicity. You're looking to drown out the noise, not add to it. You're thoughtful when you speak and intentional with what you do.

Getting Outdoors


Bundle up and get outside for a good time this winter. Hygge does not mean holing up. Appreciation for nature is a big part of feeling contentment and joy in the world around us.

Your personality: You can do anything if you put your mind to it. You may find that you're adventurous in ways both big and small.

Starting a Fire


Whether it's inside or outside, there's something special, almost magical, about sitting around a fire. It's a sensory experience that's really unique despite how common it is.

Your personality: You're a powerhouse. Passion is at the heart of the things you love and the things you love to do.



Journaling can be a huge relaxer for some people. Getting it all out helps people come to points of clarity and understanding that we're all looking for.

Your personality: You're in touch with your emotions. Your inner dialogue is strong enough to help you get words on paper, no matter what they're about. You're probably reflective in your day-to-day.