Divorce means something different to each person that hears the word.
For some, divorce is their biggest fear. Maybe their parents were divorced and they never want what happened between their parents to happen to them.
Other people hear divorce and there is pain but understanding. No one is exactly happy about a divorce, but many can understand why divorce is necessary, for the sake of a child or someone's safety.
Whatever your feelings on divorce may be, that does not change the fact that the current divorce rate is about 40 to 50 percent in America, though the rate has been slowly declining recently.
As heavy a subject as divorce might be, it's time to talk about it. Furniture mega-retailer Ikea has decided to get out there and start the discussion.
Ikea put out an ad, that is more of a short film, called "Every Other Week." It shows the other side of one parent picking up their child to see them for the time that they've been granted with them.
The ad is the first part of their "Where Life Happens" campaign and it is a very interesting take on divorce, one that isn't messy and dramatic, it is just real.
[H/T: Upworthy]
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