When something big happens in your life, it is only natural to want to tell all of your closest friends and family members. With the exception of posting something to Facebook, it might be hard to tell everyone at once.
You could call each and every person you love to tell them the exciting news, or you can come up with something a little more fun like the couple in the video below did when they had a big secret that they wanted to let everyone in on.
After finding out that they were pregnant, Jane and her husband wanted to find a clever way to tell their friends and large family, and they also wanted to capture it all on camera so that they could re-watch the reactions after the big reveal.
Unlike other pregnancy announcements we have seen, like the one where a mom-to-be made a slot machine cake to tell her family about their bundle of joy, this one is pretty straight to the point, eliminating any cause for confusion when trying to break the news.
As she poses for pictures with her loved ones, they are instructed to say "Jane's pregnant!" before the photo is taken. The result is an awesome reaction with video and pictures to match!
There's no doubt that this baby is going to get plenty of love and attention from this large and very excited family!
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