This Girl Who Loves Mermaids Has A Secret She Feels Safe Sharing…

Jazz Jennings absolutely loves mermaids.

She loves them so much, in fact, that she has her own line of custom-designed mermaid tails. The 14-year-old also has a book out, but that's not the only extraordinary thing about her…

Jazz was assigned male at birth, and as a child she was diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (or Gender Dysphoria), a condition in which a conflict exists between a person's physical gender and the gender that he or she identifies with. Jazz is transgender, and identifies as female. As she described it age age 7, she has a "girl brain and a boy body."

Jazz has previously shared her incredible story with Barbara Walters on 20/20, as well as Rosie O'Donnell, though in order to protect her privacy, her family has asked that her true identity not be revealed. When she was just six-years-old, they began filming videos of her journey growing up as a trangender child and uploading them to YouTube.

Since then, this remarkable young woman has become an outspoken activist for LGBTQ children, attending red carpet events with celebrities and, most recently, speaking at events like the Equality Florida: Broward 2014 Gala!

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to watch this amazing teen giving a speech about her experience as a transgendered person!

Please SHARE this incredible story with everyone you know!


Jazz began her transition from male to female nine years ago, with the help of her incredibly supportive parents.

OWN Network

She grew out her hair, got her ears pierced, and began wearing dresses regularly to kindergarten!


Her love of and fascination with mermaids also began early...


She has said that ever since she was a toddler, she has known that she is a girl.

OWN Network

The money that Jazz raises from her line of silicone mermaid tails is donated in support of fellow transgender youth.

Jeanette Jennings/WLRN

"Ever since I was younger I had nightmares about growing facial hair and having hair all over my body," she previously told The Advocate. "Now that the time has come where this situation might occur, I'm getting nervous and desperate to take hormones to prevent puberty from happening."

Jazz is attracted to boys, and when asked by Barbara Walters if she's concerned about finding a boyfriend, replied: "'I am a little bit. But if any of the boys decline me because of my situation then I just know they’re not right for me at all."

ABC News

And like many young girls, she dreams of becoming a mother someday.


This year, Jazz was named one of "The 25 Most Influential Teens of 2014" by Time magazine. You go girl!


Jazz even co-wrote her own children's book called "I Am Jazz: A Family In Transition," about her own family's story and how her transition affected them all.


She yearns for a day when all transgender people can feel loved and safe for who they are. Here is Jazz meeting her idol, Laverne Cox, another outspoken advocate for LGBT people!

OWN Network

"I mourn the loss of the idea of my son," Jazz's mother, Jeanette, previously admitted to Oprah. "I see pictures and the video, and that child's gone. But there's a wonderful person now that's with us." Both of her parents are fully supportive of Jazz's orientation.

For a teenager, Jazz is remarkably self-assured and confident. Her messages of love, acceptance, and being happy with your authentic self are ones we can all be inspired by!


Please SHARE Jazz's inspirational story of love and self-acceptance with everyone you know!