Judson Manor isn't your typical retirement community. Often when we think of retirement homes, we get terrible waves of guilt or sadness. Some homes are simply depressing to walk into with no activities for the residents to engage in, no beautiful art on the walls, and no delicious food to eat.
Judson Manor in Cleveland, OH, on the other hand, has all of that and more.
The residents have plenty of games to play, tons of opportunities to get active, and lovely art and decor to look at. The rooms are big, bright, and personalized. But, one of the best things about this community is the artist-in-residence program.
Tiffany Tieu is a 26-year-old music student who decided, on her own will, to move into the retirement community. She lives there, rent free, in exchange for putting on beautiful concerts for her fellow residents. While she's only just starting her career and far away from retirement, this was one of the best choices she's made in her life. Why? Because it introduced her to her friend Laura Berick.
Berick just so happens to be 80 years old, and full of stories and sass. She may have to wear special shoes, but I bet she could still put on quite a show if asked, like these lovely dancing seniors at another retirement home.
Young folks can learn so much from our more seasoned counterparts, and those in their later years can find new life in a younger person. These two share so much in common, and learn more from each other every single day.
Don't you think that this is a wonderful idea? No one loses, and everyone comes out a better, happier person thanks to Judson Manor's special program. For proof, just watch Laura and Tiffany's friendship in the video below.
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