A Kitten’s Curiousity Leads To A Deadly Situation Until This Guy Comes Along…

A hungry little kitten got himself into a very scary situation when he decided to get into some discarded leftovers.

Luckily for him, help was on the way. The hero in this video was taking out the garbage when he heard the unnerving cries coming from the alleyway where his trashcan was located. To his surprise, he had stumbled upon a kitten stuck in a scary situation… All because careless humans littered.

Frantic and shaken, the little kitten ran around with its head wedged tightly in a can it had found among the tossed-out scraps after it apparently sniffed out something that smelled too good to resist. Springing into action, the man asks a neighbor to record his rescue efforts, hopeful that things will go well enough that he will be able to impress his grandchildren later that day.

This isn't the first time we've seen humans go to great lengths (literally) to save our four-legged friends. Remember this daring Los Angeles river rescue?

Armed with a pair of scissors, the amateur wildlife rescuer goes into action trying to safely remove the can from the distressed kittens’ head. It may seem like the little guy is angry after being released, but we would like to think that the last little "yelp" heard before the kitten ran off was just its way of saying "thank you" to his rescuer.

Please SHARE this desperate kitty's rescue to remind people to pick up their trash – a can on the street can be a deadly trap for a wild animal or feral cat!