Most people in the world are right-handed.
Although handedness isn't the type of thing you notice immediately about a person, it's always a surprise to notice someone favoring their left side.
As a right-handed person, I first learned that some people are left-hand dominant in school, where a few left-handed desks were scattered throughout every classroom.
I then learned that my grandfather is left-handed, which is one of the reasons why we seat him at the head of the table at Thanksgiving dinner. Other than honoring him as the head of the family, it also helps to avoid the bumping of elbows at the table.
As it turns out, there are more advantages to being left-handed than just getting the head of the table.
Left-handed people have certain characteristics that are exclusive to their dominant-hand community. Read about them here:
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Why Are Some People Left-Handed?

It's no secret that the world is dominated by righties, so why are some people left-handed?
The Smithsonian explains that there is likely a single gene that contributes to left-handedness, which comprises approximately 10% of the population.
Although they speculate that there is one gene responsible, researchers have not been able to locate exactly where it is. Either way, science suggests that left-handedness is hereditary.
#1: Lefties Are More Artistic

Right-handers are quick to shoot down that lefties may be more creative and artistic than they are, but there are studies that suggest it's true.
The Independent reports that an American scientist named Dr. Searleman found through his studies that "Left handers [sic] have a high 'fluid' intelligence and better vocabulary than the majority of the population. This is perhaps why there are more of them in the creative professions, such as music, art and writing."
#2: Moms Of Lefties May Have Had Stressful Pregnancies

Pregnancy is, by nature, stressful, so it's surprising that everyone isn't left-handed according to this rule.
However, studies by Durham University contend that fetuses are more likely to show left-hand movement in the womb when the mother is stressed.
This left-hand movement is thought to translate to the babies' lives after they are born as well.
#3: Lefties Have An Advantage In Sports

If you've ever played a sport like baseball or basketball, you will likely remember that going up against left-handed opponents is always a challenge.
According to Psychology Today, left-handers, with their element of surprise, are a huge advantage in face-to-face sports.
I can say from experience that since most people are right-handed, athletes are not as used to practicing against lefties. Therefore, lefties will almost always have an advantage.
4. You Have A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer

Everyone is at risk of breast cancer and should get regular mammograms regardless of handedness, but lefties might need to be extra careful.
The British Journal of Cancer conducted a study between 1966 and 1981 in an Australian town and found that women who were left-handed were more likely to develop breast cancer.
The study only found left-handed women about 2% more likely, but findings in other studies have suggested a similar pattern.
5. You Are Less Likely To Suffer From Arthritis Or Joint Pain

Although being left-handed doesn't change the behavior of people all that much, they interestingly report fewer cases of arthritis or joint pain.
According to the journal, Laterality, a study found that left-handers have far fewer instances of joint-related ailments.
6. You Are Affected By Fear More Easily

Of course, how scared you get has a lot more to do with your personality than anything.
However, according to Business Insider, lefties are typically right-brain dominant, which makes them more likely to experience the emotion of fear more vividly than right-handed people (who tend to be left-brained).
So if you're a fraidycat, blame your dominant hand.
7. You Hear Speech Differently

Very surprisingly, the dominant side of your body impacts the way you hear sounds.
A study by Georgetown University found that lefties hear slow-moving sounds better than right–handed people do.
Therefore, a lefty and righty might be hearing the same exact speech at the same time, but take away different interpretations of what it sounds like.
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Be sure to SHARE these facts with all of your left-handed friends!