This video takes place "somewhere deep in the heart of Afghanistan." Somber music seems to begin to play as a flyby over military barracks shows us just exactly where we are.
If you know a soldier, Marine, or anyone else who has served in our nation's military, then you know that a majority of their time is spent waiting. These brave men and women have been trained to be able to function in hectic, and loud environments. But when they're not in the middle of combat, the remainder of their time is spent trying to figure out how to pass the time.
Sometimes these men and women will read, listen to music, play cards, guitar, or any other way to kill the boredom — but it seems that the group of hilariously talented Marines in this next clip decided that they wanted to make themselves a lip synch video!
Singing and dancing to the hit Britney Spears song "Hold It Against Me," these hilarious Marines don't mind how funny they look singing the pop diva's music. Using multiple men and women this video must have taken a decent amount of time to create; not only did they have to record everyone, but everyone had to make sure they knew how to sing the song!
All joking aside, doing things like this actually does more than kill the boredom, it helps raise morale, too! Not only did these Marines film an impressive music video, but they helped strengthen their bonds as well as create something that they could all laugh at while showing their family's back home that though they may be thousands of miles away, they're still the fun-loving people they've always been!
Please SHARE this fun video if you love our nation's military men and women!