It's always nice to be able to do something for someone in need. Whether it's a small gesture or something bigger, the good feeling remains the same. It's the best way to put positive energy out into the world!
So when Gary Clark saw a cashier do something wonderful for her customer at an Indianapolis Marsh grocery store, he decided to share it with his Facebook friends.
The cashier, named Janell, saw that an old woman wasn't able to pay for her items, so she decided to do something amazing for her customer.
Janell reached into her own pocket and paid for half of the woman's bill, no questions asked.
Clark snapped a quick photo of the cashier to go alongside his Facebook post about her good deed.
It has since gained traction, and Janell's deed is spreading across the country.
But, the best part is, she did it without knowing that she would praised for her actions.
It was a normal day for Gary Clark when he ran to the supermarket to grab a few things.
He went to the Marsh grocery store in Indianapolis and it was there that he witnessed an incredible act of kindness.
As Clark shared on his Facebook page, he was in line to pay for his items when an older woman in front of him didn't have enough money to pay for her bill. Rather than have her put something back, the cashier pulled the money out of her own pocket and paid for the remainder of the woman's purchase.
Clark also included a photo of the cashier, named Janell, so people could connect a face with her good deed.
The reactions that are coming in on the post are awesome, with many people pointing out that it's people like this who make the world a better place.
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