When you get married, you are making a promise to be with that person "until death do us part."
When you think about it as young newlyweds, "forever" sounds romantic and ideal. But in reality, the forever you do get to spend with another person is long.
Couples who have been married for five or 10 years can attest to that time feeling like an entire lifespan, when in fact, it is nothing when compared to couples who have been married for over half a century.
After being with another person for more than half of your life, you have to think of new ways to entertain yourselves. How do you celebrate anniversaries after 60 years?
One couple held a dazzling photo shoot for themselves to celebrate their 63rd anniversary.
Fran and Ed, who have been married for 52 years, keep things interesting by wearing matching outfits.
[H/T: BuzzFeed]

Ed and Fran Gargiula have been married for the last 52 years.
When their 17-year-old grandson Anthony visited them, he noticed his grandparents were wearing matching outfits.

Anthony thought this was so cute, he decided to share some of the matching outfits with his followers on Twitter.
The tweet blew up and has amassed over 80,000 retweets! Many people are commenting on the pictures, saying they hope to find a spouse to match clothes with one day.

According to Anthony, his grandparents started doing this every day about a year ago.
They used to match their outfits when they went square-dancing or to church, and the trend stuck!

They decided to start matching after attending church one day in clothing that did not match — all of their friends asked what happened.

Ever since finding his grandparents in their matching clothes, Anthony has gotten a "good morning" text from his grandparents with a picture of their outfits every day!
Don't forget to SHARE these adorable grandparents with all of your friends and family!