As a pregnant woman's belly gets bigger and bigger, she may find it hard to perform certain tasks. But the 14-pound addition isn't stopping mom-to-be Kristin Milchuk, who continues her CrossFit routine with husband Blake.
Blake, of course, had no idea what it's like to carry an extra 14 pounds around his midsection while having to jump around, ride a bike, or lift heavy weights — but now he does. In an experiment, the dad-to-be duct-taped a medicine ball of that weight to his belly and performed the same workout as usual, and quickly discovered that it's no walk in the park.
He can only imagine what it must feel like for his wife, who has had to put up with a steadily increasing load for the past 37 weeks!
Blake surely has a whole new appreciation for Kristin's burden. Do you think other dads should try this too? Let us know in the comments!

It's an odd sight: CrossFitter Blake Milchuk working out with a 14-pound medicine ball duct-taped to his stomach.

It's not the latest trend in exercising — it was just something the dad-to-be wanted to try to better understand what his 37-weeks-pregnant wife was going through.

She was still working out with him, and wasn't letting her growing belly slow her down!

Blake quickly discovered just how difficult training while "pregnant" is, and likely gained a whole new appreciation for his wife and the weight she's carrying for them.

A video of the Milchuk working out quickly went viral, and now moms everywhere are voicing their approval of Blake's desire to step into his wife's shoes.

We're sure Kristin was very entertained, but also appreciative of her husband's gesture!
Please SHARE to commend this dad for standing in solidarity with his pregnant wife!