Mom Says Sick Child Just Wants To Be Held, Then You See She’s Talking About A Monkey

Pinky Janota is 53 years old and loves her job as a monkey mom.

Yes, a monkey mom. Pinky adopted six abused monkeys and now cares for them in her home as if they're her own human children.

They're in diapers and clothing, they eat meals in their highchairs, they're bathed by their nanny, and they are even learning sign language to better communicate with their family.

While this may not be the norm for some people, Pinky wouldn't change her life for the world. She loves her babies, who are named L'Oreal, Max, Maybelline, and Ava.

She gave these primates a home when they had nowhere safe to turn. Her work with them is charitable, but she considers it a blessing.

If the monkeys ever need to go to the doctor or have something crucial she needs to spend money on, her mortgage payments go out the window. She makes it clear that these monkeys are her first priority, and it's absolutely fascinating to see how they all interact.

I think most kids dream of having a pet monkey, and this woman made those childhood dreams come true! All her hard work and dedication to these monkeys definitely doesn't go unnoticed.

What do you think about Pinky living with these adorable monkeys as her children? Let us know in the comments!

Please SHARE this incredible woman's home full of love!